Casa Mariol

"When you’re born in a beautiful mediaeval village of two thousand inhabitants surrounded by vineyards, in the heart of a family that makes wine, you one day wonder (or reaffirm): I was born to do this. That is surely what various generations who’ve been living and working in Casa Mariol for over a century must have thought.

In Batea, the village in question, vineyards and wine are a religion, and Casa Mariol a home to the pious parishioners. The villages' inhabitants live in houses that were built centuries ago to store wine. They take care of the fields as if these were their gardens, and the celebrations of their patron saint, San Miguel, are postponed so as not to coincide with the grape harvest If we were to compare it with a contemporary example, we might say that Batea is a village where the trending topic is the grapevine, and tweets are taken literally." ~Casa Mariol

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